Octopus, Okinawa Japan




Okinawa, Japan


Canon Camera with dual inon strobes


8 meters (24 feet at depth) during a night dive

I really wanted to get into the water before it got dark out right before Thanksgiving.  Looking at the weather forecast, I knew this was going to be my last chance to get into the water for a couple weeks.  The currents and tides change this time of year in Japan.  The weather can be a little rough but today it was still calm.   The sun was going to set soon, so I got in my car and got into the water with two hours of sunlight left. It was diving my favorite spot. Maeda Point.  An easy dive when tides are calm.  I would dive down a shallow trench where a long metal chain was and turned to the right.  The reef and rock would be on my right side the entire dive with open water to my left.  I normally would stop before the second ledge but something told me to keep going.  I went passed the ledge and was looking at the rocks and reef when an octopus came out of nowhere swimming right over my head.  It completely shocked me.  It was as though the octopus wanted me to see him.  He showed off his colors and hunting techniques for a long time.  I followed him for 30 minutes.  He was hunting and moving all over the rocks on this volcanic cliff.  In this shot I was able to get him fully extended.  I have never been able to get another shot like this again.  It was a special dive with just the octopus and I.   After his hunt was over, it was time for me to get out.  I could feel the tide changing and knew that the weather was telling me my time was up. 

Framed. Wrapped. Ready to hang.

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